3 Reasonable Ways to Check for Fitness Progress

We all want to see progress, right?

When you've taken the time to make goals, execute a workout plan, meal prep and focus on your nutrition - you want to see results!

Changes usually happen very slowly over time. Tracking your progress gives you a tangible, real look at your progress. If you want to be honest with yourself, your plan, and your goals - keeping track is one of the best ways to do it!

NOTE: If you JUST had a baby - don't put extra pressure on yourself. Weight & fat loss shouldn't be your top priority right now. Resting, healing, good nutrition, water intake, and taking care of your baby should be it. Learning how to re-engage your pelvic floor, stretching to help with posture and realignment after pregnancy, and taking walks are things you can start working on - when you are ready. You can use progress photos and journaling to see your journey throughout - but putting pressure on yourself during the early weeks and months is not fair to your body or your mind.

PS. Our Postpartum Recovery Guide would a great place to start for all new mamas!

1) Body measurement: This is one we don't think is necessary for freshly postpartum women. Wait till later to do this after you've had some time to heal. 12 weeks or later would be an ok time to do this.

2) Progress Photos: This can be mentally tough at first to do... but do it right and stay consistent! The results you have eventually will make you glad you forced yourself to take those initial photos in the beginning!

Tips: Take 3 full length pictures (front, side, back) at the same time of day and same location wearing fitted clothing. Make sure there is plenty of light!

3) Weekly Journaling and self-reflection. Tracking how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally not only motivates over time, but it can help you with your mindset and mental shift as well.

How do you track your progress? We'd love to know! Send us a DM if you have questions!

What is the average recovery time for postpartum? Guide

Fit Moms on the Move

Empowering you through mom focused workouts & personal training


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